The Hydrangea Bouquet
This bouquet will use the prettiest hydrangeas available with complimentary flowers. They can vary in colour from pinks, purples to greens and blues. A seasonal beauty of a bouquet!
Product Info
Due to the nature of the fresh flower market, we cannot guarantee any specific flowers shown within this image but we will try to create something as similar as possible. All bouquets created will vary slightly in flower and colour.
Return & Refund Policy
Returns & Refunds Policy
Returns & Refunds – Flowers, Plants, Homeware & Gifts
Should there be a problem with your items, we require notification within 24 hours of collection or purchase to allow us to investigate. A photograph may be required to support any claims and the return of the item may also be required,
- Refunds may occasionally be given at the discretion of the management.
- Because of the perishable nature of floral products you are advised to make any complaint within 1 working day of the collection or purchase date of your products.
- All products require care, attention and in the case of all cut flower and some plants, if it is deemed that the products have not been cared for as per instructions on collection or purchase, then we may NOT refund or offer an exchange of product.
- We will inspect all flowers and plants returned to us claimed to be faulty or damaged. If we discover that they are not faulty or damaged a refund will not be issued.
- Refunds, partial refunds or an exchange will be given if the product is proved to be faulty or damaged and will be at the discretion of management.